Never Had Air Con Before? Here Are Three Tips For Keeping Your New Unit In Good Condition

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Here in the UK, the popularity of air conditioning is only increasing and, as our summers get hotter, more and more people are learning the best ways to look after their new AC units. 

That being said, for those who’ve never had an air con unit before, it’s worth knowing the basics of maintenance as soon as possible so that you can save yourself money on costly repairs. So, whether you’ve just bought your first air conditioner, or you’re eyeing up that expensive household upgrade, now is the time to learn the three best ways to keep your air con unit in good condition.

1. Regularly Replace Filters

Maintaining and repairing air conditioners in the Kingston and Addlestone areas is essential. When we see breakdowns and malfunctions, they’re almost always related to filters. If you’re new to owning an air conditioner then the most important thing you can possibly learn is to always remember to check and replace your filters regularly. Over time, clogged filters will not only reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning unit but they could actually cause damage in the long run.

2. Take Precautions During Winter

Another common cause of damage to air conditioners in Kingston comes from people failing to protect their air conditioners from the elements throughout the winter. After all, part of your air conditioner will be exposed to the outdoors. Rain, frost, and even snow can seriously damage your air conditioner.

While it’s true that air conditioners in Kingston, and London as a whole, tend to be at less risk from low temperatures than the rest of the country, they can nonetheless experience their fair share of rain, which is why it’s vitally important to get a rainproof cover. After all, once rust takes hold, it can be almost impossible to get rid of.

3. Hire Professionals

Whilst cleaning and maintenance steps are vital to keeping your air conditioner in good working order, when something goes wrong, it’s important to get repairs done straight away. As Kingston air conditioning professionals, we’ve seen our fair share of breakdowns and we know just how important it is to get to the problem sooner rather than later.

At the end of the day, the more you run your air conditioning unit, the more the problems can build up. If you don’t want to be left panting on a hot day, then your best bet is always to speak to the professionals as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for the very best air conditioning maintenance in the Kingston area, then be sure to contact us today.

Posted By on June 20th, 2023 in blog

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