Keeping Your Home Warm Through Winter

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Believe it or not, our air con installers know just as much about keeping your house warm as we do about keeping it cold. We install a range of heat pumps that are designed to keep your home cosy through the winter months, so we have a few tips on how to make sure your house is toasty throughout the coldest months.

Use your curtains

Heat from the sun is free, so you should make the most of it and let it heat your home throughout the day. When it gets dark, shut them and let them keep some of that heat in, they’ll act as a layer of insulation to keep your room warm.

Use your central heating timer

Setting the boiler to turn on 30 minutes earlier in the morning, but at a lower temperature, can be more economical than turning it on at a higher temperature just before you get up. This is because your boiler heats up at a constant speed, regardless of whether you set the thermostat to 20 or 30. Also make sure you set the thermostat to turn the heating off in the daytime, so you’re not wasting gas when no one is home.

Wrap your water tank

If your boiler works alongside a hot water tank then make sure it is properly wrapped/ insulated. This will keep the water inside of it warmer for longer, and it will reduce heating costs. Insulating an uninsulated water tank could save up to £150 a year. So, your water will be warm and your heating bills will be lower.

Block out draught

Something as simple as a draught blocker can keep your home warmer throughout the cold months. The Energy Saving Trust suggest some DIY draught proofing can save you up to £25 a year, and, more importantly, can prevent you from feeling those cold breezes. 

Get your aircon/ heat pump serviced

Our air con installers offer services to ensure full and effective maintenance of your aircon unit or heat pump. A routine service can increase the lifespan of the equipment, reduce the running costs and can ensure warranties are honoured.

If the recent drop in temperature has made you want to ramp up your heating, get in touch with our air con installers to enquire about heat pump installation.

Posted By on September 11th, 2021 in ac install, Air Conditioner, Air Conditioning, Aircon, blog

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