How Much Does AC Cost to Install in the UK?

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One question we get asked a lot is how much does AC cost to install in the UK?

As gas prices rise and people look for newer, greener ways to heat and cool their home, air con becomes a tempting solution.

In this guide to air con installation cost, we’ll look at the average prices in the UK.

How much is air con installation?

Which air con is cheapest?

How much does air con cost to run?

How Much Is Air Con Installation?

Straight in with the question you’re dying to know, how much is air con installation in the UK?

On average, a 12000 BTU wall-mounted unit will cost between £600-£900 to buy, then with installation you’re looking at a total cost of £900-£1300.

These costs will depend on the brand of air con you go for and the area you live. Installation costs in London, for example, will be higher than other parts of the country.

One thing to note is that the cost per unit will go down if you have more units installed at the same time.

Which Air Con is Cheapest?

There are three main types of air con:

  • Split air conditioner
  • Ducted air conditioner
  • Portable air conditioning unit

Each of these units will vary in price and installation cost, as well as pros and cons.

Split air con

These are the most popular air con units, they have an indoor and an outdoor unit. They’re an efficient way to cool air and they don’t take up any floor space, but they do depend on an external fan.

Installation for split air con will be from £900-£1400, per unit.

Ducted air con

Ducted air con is the most expensive option, but also the most aesthetically pleasing. They’re perfect for homeowners who want the air con to blend in as much as possible. The system has a fan on the exterior of the home and then instead of a wall-mounted unit, air is brought in/out via a duct in the ceiling.

Labour for ducted air con will be from £1500-£2100.

Portable air con

The cheapest and easiest option is portable air con. This is a freestanding unit that will sit on the floor. They usually come with a hose to dispense moisture through an open window. Because there isn’t really any installation involved, you can do it yourself.

The price of a unit will be around £350.

How much does air con cost to run UK?

On average, estimates suggest an air con unit costs about 8-14 pence per hour to run. As a rough guide, this would be.

80p – £1.40 to run it for 10 hours of the day.

£24-£42 to run it for 10 hours a day, every day of the month.

It’s important to note that this is based on one unit alone. The specific costs will also depend on the temperature of your home, the ventilation in your property and how efficient the air con unit is.

Contact AC Installs for Air Con Installation

If you’ve decided the costs of air-con installation are worth it, get in touch with us. We install air con units across London.


Posted By on November 21st, 2024 in blog

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