Heat Pumps vs AC Units – How to Make the Right Choice for Your Home

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Deciding between a heat pump or an AC unit can be a challenge, especially if you’re not sure about the exact differences. Different homes have different cooling needs and therefore finding the most energy efficient system that will also effectively cool your house can be a bit confusing.

But, there are some simple steps you can take to decide which is best for your home. Today we’ll be laying out the facts to help you make the choice that’s right for you.

Heat Pumps

A modern, more environmentally friendly solution to temperature control, heat pumps work by circulating heat in and out of the house as required. In the winter they can be used to heat the house by bringing surrounding warmth inside but they can also be used as air conditioning in the summer.

That said, heat pumps are not appropriate for all houses which is why it’s best to consult an expert before having them installed.

AC Units

Air conditioning is certainly the more traditional approach to keeping your house cool during the summer. However, although effective, AC units can be expensive to run due to energy demands.

This is also a problem for the environment as running an AC unit leads to more fossil fuel burning which, due to global warming, only increases the demand for AC units.

Heat Pump vs AC Unit – Final Verdict

Choosing between a heat pump and an AC unit really is a case by case basis. If you have a home that’s a good fit for a heat pump then a heat pump will undeniably be the more energy efficient option of the two, while also doubling as extra heating during the winter.

That being said, if you’re looking for highly effective cooling that will work even on the hottest of days and can be installed in any house, then AC is the way to go.

If you’re still not sure whether to go for a heat pump vs an AC unit, then your best bet is to ask the experts. Here at AC Instals, we’re always happy to give advice about the right appliance for your home.

Of course, whether you’re looking for a heat pump or an AC unit, AC Installs are more than ready to meet your needs. Get in touch with us today by calling 0208 5494 107 or emailing us at info@acinstalls.co.uk and our team will be delighted to answer any questions you might have.


Posted By on August 20th, 2024 in blog

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