Air Conditioning Terminology – What You Need to Know

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As with anything technical, the air conditioning industry involves a fair bit of technical jargon. This can be a bit confusing when you are researching air conditioning units, or speaking to air conditioning companies. With this in mind we have compiled a glossary of common air conditioning terms.

HVAC: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. This is an acronym that refers to the entire discipline that surrounds air conditioning.

Split System: This is a type of air conditioning unit that is often used in homes. It is ‘split’ into two units, one that stays inside and one that stays outside. It is relatively easy to install and is known for being quiet and energy efficient.

Hydronic System: This refers to the capacity output figure and it indicates the amount of heating/cooling the unit can produce.

Air purifier: This is designed to remove allergens, pollutants, bacteria and odours from the air in your home. Some air purifiers can be integrated into existing air conditioning systems, while others are portable.

Heat Pump: This is another term air conditioning companies will use often. A heat pump is a reverse cycle air conditioner which can heat and cool indoor spaces.

Thermostat: We’re sure you are familiar with this one, but just for clarity, it is the device that controls the temperature inside of your home. Most thermostats consist of a sensor which monitors the air temperature, and relays it to the air conditioning unit, signifying whether the AC unit should heat or cool.

Zoning: This is a method of heating or cooling different areas or rooms, within the same house, independently of each other.

Inverter technology: An inverter works like the accelerator of a car, gradually increasing or decreasing power. Inverter based systems can often achieve the desired room temperature quicker and more steadily, without fluctuations. This can mean uninterrupted comfort and savings in running costs.

Commissioning: This is the final step in installing an air conditioning system. It involves the air conditioning company checking and testing every component in the system to make sure it all complies with technical and manufacturing standards. Once commissioning is complete, the unit is ready to go.

Posted By on June 16th, 2021 in Air Conditioner

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