Air Conditioning Installers London

Our Air Conditioning Installers in London have over 10 years of experience in installing efficient air conditioning units in both commercial and domestic premises. They are highly trained to offer excellent services to all of our customers.

Professional Air Conditioning Services in London

Our comprehensive servicing package includes designing, installing, maintaining, and repairing air conditioning units. The F-Gas engineers at AC Installs have the necessary skills and aptitudes to ensure a professional service is provided to you. They are also proficient in installing heating pump systems for your space that are up to 4.5 times more efficient than traditional ones. Our MCS accredited systems qualify for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) which means you will receive Index Linked, Tax-Free, Government Backed payments for the energy you generate. RHI tariff lasts for 7 years for domestic premises and 20 years for the commercial ones.

Reasons To Choose AC Installs

Get in Touch Today

Our servicing packages are suitable for all the budgets. We offer a 6-years guarantee for our services. Get in touch today to receive a free quote and site survey.